UTK Seeking Business-relevant Engineering Projects

As you are keenly aware, experiential education is an essential element in preparing students for transitioning to full-time employment. In addition to coop and internship experiences, student design projects can be used strategically to complete important, business-relevant, technical projects for reasonable costs while simultaneously expanding your company’s talent pipeline and bringing real-world applications to the classroom.

The  Integrated Engineering Design program within UT Knoxville, led by Dr. Keith Stanfill the Edwards Assistant Dean and Director, is seeking sponsored, business-relevant design engineering projects for collaborative design experiences for engineering students for UT design courses. With the fall semester starting on 23 August, it is vital to secure commitments and define projects by mid-July.

How you can help

  • Keep your eyes out for potential student design projects—is there: 
    • a machine to be designed or enhanced?
    • software to be written?
    • an innovation requiring further development?
    • a process to be created or improved?
    • a facility layout and process flow to be defined?
    • a cost reduction for an existing product or process awaiting attention?
  • Connect with me: stanfill@utk.edu | 865-974-9806
  • Complete a sponsor interest form: https://design.utk.edu/sponsors/contact/

Our student design teams use a variety of techniques—including Design Thinking, Lean Six Sigma, Systems Thinking, and Systems Engineering tools and methodologies to craft solutions to challenging projects. Team composition ranges from groups within a single major to fully interdisciplinary collaborations of business and engineering majors. With student access to the Tickle College of Engineering’s faculty expertise, extensive labs, and state-of-the-art making facilities, you can expect—though we cannot guarantee—high-quality results and prototype systems. 

Project sponsorship costs are reasonable but differ depending upon the disciplines involved, the academic level of the participating students (sophomore, junior or senior), and the size of the company. 

Sponsoring a project includes the following benefits:
•    complete exploratory or back-burner projects for low costs
•    gather new ideas from the outside
•    expand recruiting options to find the best full-time employees
•    receive a thorough business case and technical deliverables (prototypes, reports, presentations)
•    bring the real world into the classroom

Learn more about our flagship programs
•    Honors Interdisciplinary Senior Design https://tiny.utk.edu/ISD-industry
•    Past ISD projects with posters https://tiny.utk.edu/ISD-projects 
•    Heath Integrated Business and Engineering Program http://integrate.utk.edu 

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