Saturn Supply: Networking at APEX Accelerator Event Results in Contract Award

Located in Middle Tennessee, Saturn Supply, LLC is a woman-owned small business specializing in janitorial services. The company became an APEX Accelerator client in early 2022.

Owner Veronique Johnson attended a seminar on how to do business with the government as well as several other webinar training events to increase her knowledge and set her business up for success.  APEX Accelerator counselor Debbie Barber guided Veronique through the process of revising the company’s capability statement and helped her register her business with various government agencies.

One of the things Debbie emphasized as a key to success was networking. Veronique took all those suggestions to heart and worked her plan. She recently attended an APEX Accelerator online training, and by networking at the event made a connection that led to Saturn Supply being awarded a cleaning services contract with IGT.

Of Saturn Supply’s success, Debbie said, “Veronique followed all the guidelines and suggestions. She put them in motion and networked!”

Veronique reached out to Debbie via email to let her know the good news. She said, “I would like to thank you for your support and the APEX staff.”

Tennessee APEX Accelerator, formerly PTAC, assists businesses in competing successfully in federal, state and local government contracting. The University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services has provided these services since 1986. This APEX Accelerator is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense. Tennessee APEX Accelerator services are delivered at no charge. For more information, email  

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